Sabina Jennings : Clinical Hypnotherapist  – Cardiff

Professional Clinical Hypnotherapist

EMDR Practitioner

Solution Focused

Call : 07464202715

Now is the time for change!  Hypnotherapy and EMDR (eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing) are beneficial in helping to resolve restricting self-belief, imposter syndrome, shame, anger and negative emotions – fear of making a mistake. Through these techniques and specialist advice, change can come about allowing you to focus on a brighter future and release the negative emotion that are keeping you stuck.       

                                        Sabina Jennings 

BSc (Phytotherapy), PgDip Derm(AID) , Dip LSI, Cert TASK.


“Sabina provided a safe and supportive space, in which I could at long last talk about what I had experienced at the hands of a narcissistic parent.  It is clear Sabina has a very detailed understanding of narcissistic abuse and its effects.  Her choice of clinical hypnosis and EMDR to treat victims of such abuse, I felt was spot on. She helped me finally disengage from my narcissistic mother!!”   NL 

Sports Performances

Have you anxiety when playing your sport – do you have resistance in achieving your best – are you motivated after a trauma or setback? Do you feel you don’t deserve to be the very best in your chosen sport? That everyone is better than you so why bother?  Feeling stuck?

Anxiety – Depressed – Fear – Lacking in Self Belief?

Mental Preparation


Cardiff Clinic

Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a powerful method that can help you to release and process the traumas you have experienced from the subconcious mind (SCM). Once a trauma is experienced it is held in the SCM and it is as if that experience is on auto replay and you will find that you re-live the trauma over and over again every time there is a trigger. This creates feelings of severe anxiety, being stuck and not being able to move on.

Self-confidence & Self-esteem

Do you feel your self-esteem is on the floor.  One minute things are going well – the next its all crashing around you.  Anxiety is hightened, you have no faith in your ability and imposter syndrome is dominating your life. Now is the time to make some changes and start going forward letting go of the ties holding you down.  This can apply to any part of your life including work, sports performance, relationships and so much more.

Sabina Jennings:

Clinical Hypnotherapist -Solution Focused.

I have been involved in the corporate world as a trainer and advisor, giving presentations to board of directors, prosepective buyers, and presenting staff training seminars.

I have seen first hand how self doubt, lack of belief in ones ability, fear of making a mistake and fear of the future can hold a person down and their career prospects.

                                     Unable to control Anxiety Levels

These negative and limiting beliefs can hold a personal back from finding their true potential. Using EMDR and Hypnotherapy, goal setting, motivation and believing in one’s self become a lot easier – opening up a new world and a new life.

Make the Change and Break Free of the Cage

Hypnotherapy and EMDR

Can Help With

Why Hypnotherapy – how can it Help YOU?

Through Hypnotherapy and EMDR the ‘true you’ can start to blossom, the restricting repeating patterns of anxiety and fear holding you back can be put into perspective and  helping you achieve those positive outcomes and enable you to have a better life by  changing restricting patterns. Be more confident to go forward with self-belief.

It’s time for change and truly understand who you are and what makes you ‘tick’ 
 Believe in yourself and know you can achieve the life YOU want.

 Change can come about in 4- 6 session with after support if needed whenever you need it!

 Over come those issues that are

holding YOU back

What Do the Clients Say

Paul 19 Apr 2023

JD October 2022

“Hypnotherapy has proved to be a very helpful experience in unlocking the challenges I’ve been facing. I came away from each session feeling a massive sense of relief and that doors had been opened to show me the answers to so many of the questions I have.
I can’t recommend Sabina enough for making me feel so relaxed and showing genuine care in helping me to get to where I want to be.”


I would 100% recommend Sabina! I spoke to a few different therapists, but I just had a good feeling about Sabina, she instantly made me feel positive and made me feel that it was indeed possible to get my life back on track. Before my first session of hypnotherapy, I was suffering with the worst anxiety I’ve ever experienced, my life completely changed, and I was no longer able to enjoy the things I did previously. Read more

SM – Hereford

My Sessions with Sabina have been a great experience.  Sabina is a brilliant hypnotherapist who listened to me very attentively, picking up on really minute details during the first consultation.  Sabina has a thorough approach in the way she assesses the problem and reviews the issue from many angles.  Read more